Principal Investigator

Anthony Beaucamp

Associate Professor

Department of System Design Engineering, Keio University
Associate Member: CIRP International Academy
Regular Member: SPIE, JSME, JSPE, JSDE, JSAT

Associate Professor Anthony Beaucamp is an active contributor to the international community for ultra-precision design and engineering. After working 10 years in the optical fabrication industry, he initiated his academic career in 2010. His current research topics cover digital design and manufacture (generative design, digital twins, machine learning), multi-scale modelling of fine abrasive processes, and development of hybrid machining systems. With 15 international patents (granted and pending), more than 100 publications (>50 in peer-reviewed journals), he has an established track-record in ultra-precision manufacture that was recognized through the award of the F. W. Taylor medal of CIRP in 2015, for contributions to super-fine finishing technology.


My research
Precision monitoring of industrial robot motion using high-speed cameras.

Ashwani Pratap
Research Fellow

My research
Precision monitoring of industrial robot motion using high-speed cameras.

Ashish Kumar
Research Fellow

My research
Precision monitoring of industrial robot motion using high-speed cameras.

Kota Nagamine
Master Student

My research
Compensate vibration of the abrasive tool tip to remove machining marks

Airi Umezawa
Master Student

My research
Proposal of a cutting model for a hybrid tool consisting of SAG and face milling

Yuichi Kurane
Master Student

My research
Viscosity changes depending on the wavelength of light

Takhiro Kaga
Undergraduate Student

My research
Building a generative AI for designing optical systems

Shunsuke Takeda
Undergraduate Student


Haruka Takahira

Motoi Watanabe

Etienne LePriol