Beaucamp Lab @ Keio University DESIGN & MANUFACTURING News Prof. Anthony Beaucamp will give an invited talk on the design of light-field based 3D optical tweezers at the Annual Meeting of EOS (EOSAM) in Naples, Italy (see: 2024/09/13 Mr. Kota Nagamine (M1) will give a presentation on the monitoring of robotic polishing systems at the International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA) in Seattle, Washington (see: 2024/07/24 Mr. Atsushi Sasaki (D1) will give a presentation on the design of freeform micro-lens-arrays for temperature sensing at the Optical Design and Fabrication (ODF) conference in Tuczon Arizona (see: 2024/07/11 Mr. Atsushi Sasaki (D1) will present a poster on the design of topological micro-lens-arrays at the SPIE Astronomy and Telescope in Yokohama. 2024/06/19 Prof. Beaucamp will make a technical presentation on automated design of freeform optics at the CIRP Winter Meeting (STC Dn) in Paris. 2024/02/23 Prof. Beaucamp will give an invited speech on design and fabrication of freeform Micro-Lens-Arrays (MLA) at the ASPEN conference in Hong-Kong. 2023/11/22 Prof. Beaucamp will give an invited speech on optimal design of freeform optics at the EOSAM conference in Dijon (France). 2023/09/11 Dr. Pratap will present his work on hybrid grinding/polishing at the CIRP General Assembly in Dublin. 2023/08/22